Roll your r's and swallow your pride
I’m enjoying DuoLingo for learning Spanish enough to have paid for a subscription. It’s fun high-fiving friends who are on the app too:-)
Coffee Break French is also good. Bonne courage! (Sounds like you have plenty of courage 😉)
You taste marvelous is brilliant!
🤭. I will keep your words of defense in my proverbial back pocket …
"Je suis désolé mais je suis un crétin qui ne connaît pas un mot [de français]".
"Je suis plus bête qu'une baguette de pain."
I’m enjoying DuoLingo for learning Spanish enough to have paid for a subscription. It’s fun high-fiving friends who are on the app too:-)
Coffee Break French is also good. Bonne courage! (Sounds like you have plenty of courage 😉)
You taste marvelous is brilliant!
🤭. I will keep your words of defense in my proverbial back pocket …
"Je suis désolé mais je suis un crétin qui ne connaît pas un mot [de français]".
"Je suis plus bête qu'une baguette de pain."