Feb 6, 2023Liked by Roberto and Carolyn

Cette histoire est parfait. Merci.

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First off, Call My Agent. Love that show. I'm studying French on Duolingo too (and now Portuguese - impossible pronunciations, much easier language to learn) and I still didn't get what the F they're saying on that show. Subtitles in French is bad ass. Happy to hear that when I visit you guys I can call myself a pussy all day long and no one will fault me for it.

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Once you move over here and travel around France more, I think you'll find that the French overall have become much more relaxed and open-minded about foreigners speaking French. I've seen a huge evolution from when I first came to France in 1989 and now. Even in Paris, they tend to be more receptive and tolerant, and generally French people appreciate the effort made by non-French speakers (whereas it used to feel like they enjoyed pouncing on mistakes and making a mockery of non-francophones ;) )

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Roberto and Carolyn

I feel this. Also learned French BECAUSE of going to Lecoq/ Paris, despite not being at all enamored with the French. Weirdly, I stayed there four years total and ended up with moderately fluent French, considering. Which I use almost never, except to watch Call My Agent. I've often thought I'd love to go back, but not to Paris, to the south. Also i think it would be better to return as an older woman (being 20-something in Paris SUCKED. Just constant sexual harassment.) I think it's so neat what you are doing!

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We need to start a little French movie club. I've been dying to get together again!

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And yes, there is a big difference being in France as a madame and not a mademoiselle, for sure.

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Former client of Roberto's here! My best friend is a professor at UT in the French department. She spent much of 2003-2018 in France including Montpellier. I got to visit a handful of times so I've seen the lovely town you're retiring to! You all are inspiring my own retirement visions. Anyway, I shared your post with my pal yesterday. One of her close friends in Paris was an Australian woman who attended the same drama school as Carolyn. She has written a memoir about the very struggles she had there and with the language. I thought you would get a kick out of that and maybe want to ready her book! https://www.amazon.com/Paris-or-Die/dp/1741176743

I look forward to continuing to follow your adventures!

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Oooh. Thank you! I had no idea someone had written a memoir that included LeCoq. I shouldn't be surprised. It scarred a lot of people :) I will definitely read the book.

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Also, I would love to meet your French professor friend! We should all have dinner.

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« Or in the case of Camus, There must be a story here. I wish my French were good enough to understand it. ». LOL, right?

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